

Original price was: RM60.00.Current price is: RM55.00.


Sireh Digunakan dalam Perawatan Batuk dan Darah Tinggi
Tahukah anda?
Daun sireh, yang digunakan oleh masyarakat Melayu Nusantara sejak turun-temurun, mempunyai pelbagai khasiat kesihatan.
Antara khasiat yang terdapat pada sireh ini adalah sebagai penawar bagi batuk, melalui pengurangan kesan keradangan pada tekak. .
Selain itu, sireh juga dapat membantu melancarkan peredaran darah, lalu melegakan darah tinggi
Kapsul Sireh Plus keluaran HPA mengandingu ekstrak herba ini.
Piper betle (Sireh) can be Used as an Effort to Treat Cough and Hypertension
Sireh is an herb that has widely use in medicinal treatment by Malays since their ancestors.
Among the medicinal benefits of sireh is that this herb can be used to relieve cough problems, as sireh can decline the inflammations at throat area.
Other than that, sireh can also improving blood flow, hence lowering blood pressure. As a resut, hypertension can be treated.
Sireh Plus capsule manufactured by HPA contains extracts of this herb.

Weight 0.1 kg
Dimensions 10 × 5 × 5 cm

Semenanjung Malaysia, Sabah/Sarawak


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